A Look Into The Important Components Of Human Resource Development

The three basic components of human resource development or HRD are organizational development, career or professional development, and personal or individual development. Each of these areas has their own significance, but it may vary from one organization to another. There are several factors that may affect the value of these components, such as the organizations commitment to enhancing their human resources, as well as the type of operation the organization has. Nevertheless, all these key components are focused on just one goal, which is to improve individual performance among the members of the organization.ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENTThe aim of organizational development is to come up with creative and new solutions to various performance problems faced by a company through the enhancement of the congruence within the organizations processes, culture, and structure. In simple terms, the organization can be a highly functional unit as long as harmony is maintained among such elements. Ultimately, the objective of organizational development is to enhance the ability of the organization to renew itself. What this means is that the organization needs to be able to determine its own weaknesses and problems as well as to direct all the important resources for the sake of improvement. Through this, the organization may regenerate itself continuously as it goes on to face various challenges.CAREER DEVELOPMENTCareer or professional development is focused on providing the needed analysis for the identification of the individual competencies, values, assignment and activities which can help develop the members skill for future tasks. This includes not only individual, but also organizational activities. For the individual activities, the important areas are career awareness, career planning, and utilization of career resource centers. On the other hand, organizational activities consist of mentoring systems, job posting systems, providing seminars for career development, performance appraisal, human resource planning, and even career path programs.INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENTIndividual development is all about developing new skills, knowledge and behaviors which can eventually result in improved and enhanced performance by the employees. The main tool for individual development is training. Organizations must provide training programs where the staff may experience on-the-job training activities to help them boost their current skill sets.ULTIMATE HUMAN RESOURCE TOOLSWhen it comes to assessing or evaluating the performance of the members of an organization, there are tools that are used to gather information which would help the company understand what the employees are going through or have in mind. One good example of an effective HR tool is a competency development guidebook. Guidebooks have long been used to help any organization grow by making sure the human resources remain competent and skilled.Conducting an employee satisfaction survey is another means of knowing how content employees are with their work. There are five areas that need to be explored in this activity, namely the employee benefit, career opportunity, workgroup, manager, and company. Such type of survey can be performed on a regular basis and can surely be valuable in determining the real satisfaction levels of the employees.


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