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Submitted by: Eric R. Pratt
Since social media avenues have become the basis for communication between customers and the brand, customers have started using it as a forum for reporting problems and/or concerns about the company and its products or services. Employees need to be trained to field these complaints and know how to deal with them properly and in a timely manner. First, a number of employees should be given the responsibility of managing social networking profiles to ensure they re all covered throughout the workday.
Social media has most definitely changed how consumers and companies view customer service. Customers have become more impatient, wanting an answer or a solution to their problem right away. Make sure to deliver, and provide a response to the customer, as promised. It is sometimes better to give them a time and day that they will hear back, allowing yourself enough time to get some headway on the problem, and then they will relax and wait for your response rather than bugging you.
Listen to your market
Set up a good listening strategy for your employees so they are able to not only listen for compliments, but that they are able to understand them and answer to them the appropriate way in a timely manner.
Remember that customer-service issues and complaints don t need to all be seen as negative. Take them as an opportunity to learn more about what people want and expect from you, and then use the feedback as an opportunity for improvement.
Solve people s problems
It seems obvious, but try to resolve problems immediately. If you fix their problem or concern quickly, often those largest protesters can become advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth about your brand.
Measure your success
For customer service management to be successful, you must regularly measure your efforts. If you don t look at overall levels of participation, growth rate of new members, making lists of the recently disengaged and following up on them, etc., then you aren t managing your social environment.
Use social media tools to your advantage when it comes to customer service. If a customer makes a negative comment or poses a complaint on your company Facebook wall, don t delete it, because that decreases your credibility. Respond to the comment in the most effective way, while showing the customer you truly care about them and their problem, let them know you will take care of it, and encourage a response from them once it has been taken care of or resolved. This will show your other customers that you are willing to fix their problems and/or concerns, and that you don t do things to irritate them intentionally.
Looking for some assistance with your social media campaign? Not sure where to start? Or even how to get started? We can help! We have a team of social media marketing experts that would love to design a social media campaign for you and your business. If you are not already taking advantage of all that social media has to offer such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and many others, let us help bring your business into the social media marketing era.
Looking for some assistance with your social media campaign? Not sure where to start? Or even how to get started? We can help! We have a team of social media marketing experts that would love to design a social media campaign for you and your business. If you are not already taking advantage of all that social media has to offer such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and many others, let us help bring your business into the social media marketing era.
About the Author: Revenue River Marketing specializes in social media marketing, marketing, branding and web development services for the Colorado Front Range area as well as several related business technology and media services. Contact us at (720) 344-5020 or visit us at
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