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Business Card Printing and Design Ideas: How to Accessorize Your Contemporary Cards
carla san g.
In this day and age, a lot of people want to venture out of the comfort zone in order to make their business card printing more exciting. After all, business cards need not only look presentable but eye-catching as well.
Designs need to work to appeal to the recipients interest. Designs are meant to be engaging so your recipients do not forget you anytime soon. So go beyond the borders of the 2 x 3.5 and need not limit your creativity on the print itself.
You can push the boundaries of your business cards and accessorize it. Personalize your business cards and create one that truly shapes your identity. Contemporary and imaginative business cards are more than a part of todays trend. It is one inventive way of demonstrating your skills through one simple card.
Ideas and Inspirations
Accessorizing can mean so many things. You can make certain requests from your business card printing company and have your cards customized. Then again, there are other possibilities you can realize in accessorizing your cards by yourself.
Here are some simple ideas that would help you define your cards and make you stand out.
There are a lot of other paper material that you can turn to give you that nice look and feel you want for your business cards. Linen is one of the most basic then again, there are a lot of paper stocks that printing companies can recommend if your looking for a very specific quality. There are those with a seemingly columns patter which are almost striped as an example.
2.Hole Drilling
There are other ways for you keep a business card handy. Hole drilling or punching a small hole on your business card allows you to attach them to a small chain. Not only will it potentially compliment your business, but it makes for higher impact. You can also add ribbons to add a point of interest in your cards and so on.
While the hole drilling allows you to attach your business cards to other items, it can also become a design itself. Punch in a series of holes and you would have added a new accent to your business cards. It can also be a new pattern in itself.
3.Scented Paper
If you think scratch and sniff cards are so 90s, think again. You need not exactly create scratch and sniff cards but scented ones. Give out business cards that are not only pleasing on the eyes but on the nose as well. Send out a message of luxury or perhaps compliment your signature style and business. Leave a business cards that leaves a pleasant trail and surely, your recipients imagination will be tickled pink. While this idea is useful for those in the perfume industry, it can very well be applicable to others as well.
Have your business cards embossed either by paper or by ink. Raised ink printing allows your text or image to become raised and have that embossed or carved look. Raised paper printing means an image or texted is stamped on to your business card without it being defined by ink.
Observe some of these ideas to make your business card printing more exciting. Unleash your creativity and think of a hundred and one ways to make your business cards more useful and memorable
This article aims to provide the reader comprehensive ideas and tips on how to properly craft a Business Card and how
Business Card Printing
works. For additional information regarding business cards please visit
U Printing – Full Color Business Card Printing Company
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Business Card Printing and Design Ideas: How to Accessorize Your Contemporary Cards}