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The Importance of Propane Cylinder Exchange Training
Randshan Saldin
Propane is a liquefied gas that is used for a wide range of purposes, both domestic and industrial. In particular, it is the fuel of choice for forklift truck operators throughout North America, as it has proved to offer the most cost-efficient operation, and the greatest ground speed advantages of all energy sources. This means that, as part of the safe running of new or used forklifts, it is necessary for operators to undergo propane cylinder exchange training courses that are recognized by the Department of Labor.
There are many reasons why propane is so popular for so many applications. Unlike natural gas, it is classified as a green fuel as it is non-toxic and not damaging to the environment. It therefore provides a means of running domestic appliances, such as water heaters and furnaces, in a clean and efficient way, and keeps fuel costs down. Across industry it is used cost-effectively for warehouse and factory machinery, farm equipment, and hotel and restaurant kitchens. If you are an employer in any of these industries, you will benefit from ensuring your employees take this training.The training takes about half a day to complete, and begins with an overview of the chemical make-up of propane gas itself. It is a colourless and odourless gas, which can be compressed and stored in tanks in liquid form, and will remain compressed in the tanks until it is used. Although it is naturally odourless, an odorant is added in the manufacturing process, for safety purposes. The students also learn about storage of cylinders, and how to ensure that the wire shelving or cages that hold the cylinders meet safety requirements. In addition, they are taught about the components of the cylinder itself, including the valves and the coupling systems. Knowing the right way to open and shut the valves, and how to tighten the coupling system properly is central to correct cylinder exchange, and to the safe operation of new and used forklifts.One of the biggest hazards of propane gas is that the tank can burst, so handling the gas requires an understanding of exposure limits, and of how to identify leaks in cylinders. When the full cylinder is removed from the cage prior to installing, it’s necessary to look carefully for any sign of frost, listen for any hissing noise, and be alert for any smell. Any of these could indicate a leak, which must be fixed without delay. If you suspect a leak, but can’t find the location, you can spray on a soap and water solution. This results in bubbles appearing at the point of the leak. The courses include both classroom and hands-on, or practical, sections. The students are also given the opportunity to review the topics covered, and given question and answer sessions. This ensures that, by the end, all students are competent and confident with the cylinder exchange process. Although propane gas is non-toxic, like any gas it can be dangerous if not handled properly, and it needs to be treated with respect.
Sending your operators on a recognized
propane cylinder exchange training course
will ensure that your new or
used forklifts
are kept running smoothly and your business continues to operate efficiently. Most importantly, it will help to keep your employees safe.
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The Importance of Propane Cylinder Exchange Training}