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By Ryan Letterman
Beauty pageants can be an amusing hobby for little girls and their families. Pageants allow the little ones to dress up and parade about in front of an audience. They also learn poise, confidence and social skills. Beauty pageants are not without hard work. The extravaganzas are time and energy consumers with their jeweled dresses and immaculate hair styles. Preparing for that first glitzy debut can seem intimidating. Before you even start your preparations, keep these three top tips in mind to ease the way.
1 Start Small
Beauty pageants can be very appealing to little girls who enjoy dressing up and prancing around on stage. Add to this fun the opportunity to win a trophy and a jeweled tiara and every little girl wants to join the fun. The fact is, though, that these events require much more work than either mom or daughter ever dreamed of. To get an edge on the competition, the little ones must spend a lot of time practicing and rehearsing. Many mom and daughter duos give up after the first or second beauty pageant.
Before investing real money and time in it, be sure this is something the two of you really enjoy and want to continue doing. Borrow a fancy dress or rent one and help your daughter learn a simple routine to perfection. If she enjoys herself at these pageants, you can begin to spend real money. In any case, the first pageant you enter should be all about fun, not winning. Winning comes later.
2 Bring a Friend
Especially for your first pageant, an extra set of hands can make a big difference. Take along another adult that your daughter feels comfortable with. Put this person in charge of the dress and your other supplies. There’s often dozens of girls at pageants, and things can and do get lost. Having someone in charge of supplies lessens the risk of something going missing.
When the time of the pageantry grows near, everyone must be alert. Hair and makeup time really require as many hands as you can summon. Putting mascara on a four-year-old is not for the timid. You need someone other than the makeup artist keeping the child still. While you are backstage, that same helper can be out in the audience prompting your child on where to focus and clue her in on where she should be walking on stage.
3 Stay Calm
It’s the parents that give beauty pageants a bad name. This is an extremely stressful environment and parents can lose it. An aggressive, thoughtless parent can easily get their daughter upset and frustrated. Judges can see this in a child and see she doesn’t really want to be here doing this. So for your child’s sake if not your own, take a few deep breaths and chill. Children will react to the adults around them, particularly a parent, so keep your cool and so will the little contestant.
Keep everything positive and focus on the fun of the pageant. If it is your first one, really emphasize the fun of participating. Your daughter will probably not win the first pageant she enters. Let her know that is okay. You are just having fun doing something different and entertaining. Let her know how pretty and poised she is and how proud you are of her courage.
If you’re setting out for your first pageant, good luck! Remember that full glitz pageants are a whole new world. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, so just stay calm and enjoy yourself. Help your daughter stay positive and focused. Think of the wonderful self-confidence your daughter is going to gain from doing pageants!
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