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Submitted by: Roxanne Davenport
The U.S. Marshals Service is the nation’s oldest law enforcement agency, and is probably best known for its function of transporting federal prisoners and for its witness protection program. They also serve to protect federal judges. Somewhat less well-known, however, is the work of the agency’s six regional task forces in capturing fugitive suspects.
The task forces are divided into regions as follows: New York/New Jersey, Pacific Southwest, Great Lakes, Southeast, Capital Area, and Gulf Coast. They provide assistance and expertise to other law enforcement agencies in support of fugitive investigations. The Southeast regional office is located in Atlanta, Georgia and in 2007 investigators from there apprehended more than 3,000 suspects.
The Marshals like to take their prey by surprise, most often striking in the early morning hours when it’s still dark outside, hoping that suspects are still sleeping or under the influence of a substance. This reduces the level of resistance from fugitives, and is why only one of those 3,000 arrests last year by the Atlanta division involved the exchange of gunfire. That office is tracking an average of 10-15 suspected murderers each day, while also searching for other violent offenders. They have at their disposal some very high-tech equipment and programs to help them do the job.
The Atlanta office is equipped with an operations center featuring flat-screen TVs they use to communicate directly with investigators in the field. They also have a two-story house for training, and a 300-degree computer simulator that replicates real-life danger scenarios that the Marshals might encounter. For instance, one scenario has the investigator responding to shots fired at a workplace. The agent must watch and respond carefully as innocent bystanders round the corner towards him, and take action when the gunman appears suddenly. There are 50 different scenarios that the simulator can create, with a technician able to change details of each scenario. A trainee can use a shotgun, rifle, Glock 22 or Glock 23. A laser traces the path of each shot fired, so that the shot can later be analyzed. In the real world, an investigator is held accountable for each bullet that comes from his or her gun. After each training session, the individual is debriefed about his or her performance and why he/she did or didn’t open fire.
In fiscal year 2007, the U.S. Marshals apprehended more than 36,000 federal fugitive felons, clearing 39,000 federal felony warrants more than all other law enforcement agencies put together. Working with authorities at the federal, state, and local levels, U.S. Marshals-led fugitive task forces arrested more than 58,600 state and local fugitives, clearing 70,300 state and local felony warrants. In 1983, The USMS established the 15 Most Wanted Fugitive Program in an effort to prioritize the investigation and apprehension of high-profile offenders who are considered to be some of the country s most dangerous fugitives. The USMS established its Major Case Fugitive Program in 1985 in an effort to supplement the successful 15 Most Wanted Fugitive Program.
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About the Author: Roxanne Davenport is a freelance writer and experienced in the field of public safety. For more information on personal safety and security supplies, please visit
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