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What Responsibilities Do Landlords Hold Regarding Tenant Injuries
If you are a landlord and you want to ensure success for your business, it is important that you have to be well-versed with every part of the business you are involved in. The trouble is, there are plenty of responsibilities that you have to handle as a landlord. Knowing all of these could take some time. While you can always hire a property manager, it would still help you a lot if you are also knowledgeable about the business you ventured into.
One of the most overlooked responsibilities of a landlord is the one regarding injuries that a tenant may suffer while within the premises of the rental property. In fact, many landlords may not be aware of their responsibilities regarding accidents that they only become aware of it once they are already deep in trouble.
The first thing that a landlord should learn about tenant injuries is that he or she will only be fully responsible for it if the injury was caused by a problem within the property that should have been fixed by the landlord. Once the tenant has reported the problem with the property and the landlord did not do anything to solve the issue which then caused an accident, the landlord could be held responsible for the injury.
The tenant would have to prove several things for the landlord to be held accountable. First, it should be proven that the problem which caused the accident was actually reported to the landlord. Also, it should be proven that correcting the issue is not cost prohibitive. By showing these two things, the tenant can claim that the landlord was negligent in performing their duties which resulted to injury.
By proving those things, the tenant or the victim can demand payment for medical bills, lost earnings, emotional distress, pain, disfigurement, or permanent physical disability depending on what applies. This could add up into a large amount which is not what a landlord would want to deal with. If the court decides though that they need to pay up, they would have no option but to follow the court order.
In order to avoid such a costly problem then, it is very important for the landlord to make sure that the rental property is well managed. Every maintenance job for example should be done safely. Every issue reported should also be attended to in the swiftest manner. Having a property manager would therefore help a landlord out in avoiding a costly problem like tenant injuries.
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