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By Phillip Tucker
A lot of people know that the Shaun T INSANITY workout is slated as one of the toughest workouts out there, if not THE toughest workout ever put on DVD. Theyve heard about the brutal Fit Test, and how when the sixty day program hits the second month, and you start doing the Max exercises, things seem to literally go insane. But what is an actual workout like? How does it feel to go through one, and better yet, what does a good workout feel like, when you take satisfaction in your performance, and turn of the TV feeling, though exhausted, pumped and excited about your gains? Im going to run you through a sample workout (taking the Pure Cardio as my sample), and give you an idea of what its like.
You press play, and immediately Shawn T throws you into the warm up. Depending on whether youve just done a couple of brutal workouts the days preceding, this could start off easy (if youre rested) or already be challenging (if youre near the end of the week). Either way, three sets of the same exercises for a total of about nine minutes, each set performed quicker than the last. Jogging on the spot, power jacks, Heismans, 123 Heismans, butt kicks, high knees and then mummy kicks. By the end of the first set youre breathing hard, but doing OK. By the end of the second, you know youre working out, pushing hard, and a fine sweat has already covered your face. Then the third set kicks in, and youre off, gasping and feeling a sense of doom and exultation at the same time. And thenfinally, the warm ups over.
Sweating, gasping, you grab your water, and suddenly youre worried. That was just the warm up. Pure Cardio is fifteen minutes straight with no breaks, and even Shawn T admits to be worried. Make the most of your five minute stretch. Sweat dripping off your face as you extend hamstrings, quads, do a series of yoga poses. Take a deep breath, a last sip of water, and then its on.
Fifteen minutes straight, no breaks, no water. Fifteen minutes dont sound like much, but they seem to stretch out into infinity when youre watching that clock, trying to keep moving, keep going. Fifteen exercises each, a minute in duration. Theres always an initial surge of energy after the stretch, and the first couple of exercises seem fine. Then, about the third or fourth, you begin to flag. Some of these exercises are brutal. Summoning reserves, you power through, and then you hit exercise six or seven, and man, its becoming a world of pain.
No matter what, youll probably have to stop a couple of times. Catch your breath, walking off your burning muscles for a bit. Then come right back into it, Shawn Ts voice calling you back into the pain. By the time ten minutes have gone, youll feel something incredibleyour energy comes back. Somehow, reserves youve been building these past few weeks are there, opening up, and your knees go higher during the Mountain Climbers, your pace picks up. A new source of strengthyoure going to kick this workouts butt.
Or so you thought. Three minutes left to go, and you start to flag again, your second wind eaten by the grueling pace of the workout. Suicide jumps demolish you, and by the time you get to the final minute, the Walking Pushups, youve got nothing left. You bust out a couple, and then stop, gasping, resting your forehead on the ground, only to struggle back up and bust out a couple more. That last minute seems to last as long as five, and when its finally over, you almost cant believe it.
Grab some water. Stretch. Catch your breath. Another day of Insanity done. Dont think about tomorrowjust focusing on that feeling of light headed victory and joy youre feeling right now.
About the Author: Click here if you are interested in reading
Insanity Workout Reviews
, from video testimonials from Test Group participants to an explanation from Shaun T himself about what Insanity is all about. If you want the best booty ever, then take advice from a Victoria Secret model trainer and check out
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